Translation and multilateral decoding


On the day I was born the Sun rose exactly in the direction of the Khafre Causeway at Giza, Egypt. Here I consider an ideal flat horizon. The azimuth as measured by Erin Nell & Clive Ruggles is 103.49°. This notion is encoded in the orientation of the Temple of Hephaestus at Athens, Hellas. Below it is shown that on this day the time between the rising of the Sun disc above the horizon till it starts setting, being once again above the horizon is exactly 11 hours. The total number of IV dynasty pyramids at Giza is 11. On the closest Chinese New Year to my birth day, the Sun rose at Giza at an azimuth of 103.43°.
On Orthodox Easter Sunday of year I was born, if one was stationed at Giza and considered an ideal flat horizon he would conclude that the Sun rose at an azimuth of 75.76°. According to Goyon(1969) the azimuth of Khufu's causeway is between 75° and 76°. The rising azimuth of the Sun on the eighth day from the Assumption of Virgin Mary on this year was 75.83°. On Orthodox Holy Friday of the year I was born, if one was stationed at Giza and considered an ideal flat horizon he would conclude that the Sun rose at an azimuth of 76.56°. This angle is equal to 180° minus 103.44°. It is thus a supplementary angle to that of the Sun rise azimuth at the day of my birth. 
According to George Pantazis, the Parthenon's Northeastern main axis astronomical orientation is 77.1167° +- 0.0167°. If using Stellarium, we disable the atmosphere and we station ourselves at Khafre's pyramid - Giza, on Holy Friday of the year I was born, then we would see that the Sun is on the horizon with an azimuth of 77.0775°. If we change the date of that year to the ninth day of the Ascension of Virgin Mary we would see that the Sun is on the horizon with an azimuth of 76.748°. If using Stellarium, we enable the atmosphere and we station ourselves at the Parthenon the year 432 BC, on a Julian date equal to the Gregorian date of Easter Sunday of the year I was born, then we would see that the Sun in on the horizon at an azimuth of 77.107°.
On the previous day of the Autumnal Equinox, on the year I was born, a solar eclipse took place that was visible from Egypt. If one was stationed at Giza this day and he considered an ideal flat horizon he would conclude that the Sun rose at an azimuth of 89.13°. According to Erin Nell & Clive Ruggles the average Menkaure pyramid causeway azimuth is  89.17°. As we can see below, stationed at Athens we would see the eclipse of the Sun by the Moon start in the direction of the Eastern Menkaure satellite pyramid in regards to the apex of the main pyramid and we would see the eclipse end when the Sun is at the  direction of the Western Menkaure satellite pyramid. Maximum obscuration of the Sun would take place in the direction of the middle satellite pyramid G3b.
At the time I was born, based on my birth certificate, the direction of the Moon disc forms a range of azimuths covering roughly half of the Egyptian pyramids. The closest target is the Sneferu Bent pyramid complex at Dahshur. Since the documented birth date is necessarily an approximation, which from what it seems corresponds to plus or minus 15 minutes of time, the deduction is that the possible Moon disc direction(bearing), taking also into account it's apparent diameter, covers all the pyramids of Lower Egypt from Athribis and Abu Rowash in the North to El-Lahun and Hawara in the South. Given that the total pyramids of Egypt are at this moment 138, and that the Middle and Upper Egypt pyramids are only 10 (Zawiyet el-Meiyitin, Sinki, Naqada, el-Kuhla, Edfu, Elephantine, Ahmose I's at Abydos, Ahmose I's at Dra Abu el-Naga, and Queen's Tetisheri's at Dra Abu el-Naga) this means that 93% of the Egyptian pyramids are potentially targeted.
According to Wikipedia, the Egyptians appear to have used a purely lunar calendar prior to the establishment of the solar civil calendar in which each month began on the morning when the waning crescent moon could no longer be seen. The days of the lunar month—known to the Egyptians as a "temple month"—were individually named and celebrated as stages in the life of the moon god, variously Thoth in the Middle Kingdom or Khonsu in the Ptolemaic era: "He... is conceived... on Psḏntyw; he is born on Ꜣbd; he grows old after Smdt".
I was born on the fifth day of the Egyptian lunar calendar. Stellarium names this 'a Moon 4 days old(0 days refers to a New Moon)'. In ancient Egypt this day was called 'I͗ḫt Ḥr Ḫꜣwt' which means ' Offerings upon the Altar'. Below we see how it is depicted hieroglyphically. 

According to Wikipedia, the Galactic Center, is the rotational center of the Milky Way, a supermassive black hole of 4 million solar masses which powers the compact radio source Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). It is 8 kiloparsecs away from Earth in the direction of the constellations Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, and Scorpius where the Milky Way appears brightest.


Below we see that stationed at my birth place, on the day I was born, Sagittarius A* perfectly aligned(angular error = 0° 0' 2") with the center of the Moon at a specific time of the night.

According to Wikipedia, the star and crescent is an iconographic symbol used in various historical contexts. Crescents appearing together with a star or stars are a common feature of Sumerian iconography, the crescent usually being associated with the moon god Sin (Nanna) and the star with Ishtar (Inanna, i.e. Venus), often placed alongside the sun disk of Shamash. For this symbol to correspond to an astronomical observation, the planet Venus should be visible on a crescent Moon after Sun set. On the day I was born Venus set one hour and 36 minutes after the Sun set.
According to Wikipedia, the Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is a liturgical calendar used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and also used by the farming populace in Egypt. This calendar is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar. To avoid the calendar creep of the latter, a reform of the ancient Egyptian calendar was introduced at the time of Ptolemy III (Decree of Canopus, in 238 BC) which consisted of the intercalation of a sixth epagomenal day every fourth year.
I was born on the fifteenth day of the second month of the season of Akhet(Paopi, Hellenic: Φαωφί). My nominal date of conception was on to the sixteenth day of the first month of the Peret season(Tobi, Hellenic: Τυβί). 
In the "Story of Khufu and the magician" of the ancient Egyptian Westcar Papyrus(dating to the Hyksos period) we read that Reddjedet will give birth  on the fifteenth day of the first month of Peret. Three Pharaohs will be born, Userref, Sahure, and Keku. 
Below, centered at Kadmeia-Thebes on the day I was born at astronomical Noon, I draw lines equal in length highlighting the direction(below the horizon) of the 7 bright stars of Orion (Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnilam, Alnitak, Saiph, and Mintaka). The alignment with five mountains or six peaks all together (Parnassus, Giona, Vardousia, Kaliakouda, Khelidona, Xanthe Panaitolikou) is with stars Rigel and Alnitak. These five mountains represent five out of the seven tallest mountains of the Stereá Elláda (Central Greece) region of Hellas. The other two mountains in the Orion direction range which are not directly targeted are Tymphrestus (#4) and Oite (#5).
Six mountain peaks in Hellas align via Thebes to mount Hermon in Syria/Lebanon. Due to this below, we station our selves at the top of Mount Hermon at the time I was born and draw the directions of the three Orion belt stars which are below the horizon. We notice that they target the four tallest mountains in Hellas. Mintaka, being the faintest of the three stars approaches Voras the third tallest mountain. Alnilam, being the brightest star aligns with Olympus which has the largest altitude in Hellas. Finally, Alnitak being second in apparent magnitude falls between the second tallest mountain in Hellas, Smolikas, and the fourth tallest one Grammos. The paths are depicted in light blue. We also change the time to astronomic Noon at Thebes. This time we use white lines to depict the direction of the stars. We notice Alnitak targeting the six peaks in Hellas, which include the fifth, seventh, and eighth mountains altitude-wise. It also aligns with Thebes. Mintaka aligns with the sixth tallest mountain Tymphe. Alnilam crosses over the Agrapha mountain range and it touches the Southern part of the taller Athamanica mountains (altitude 2,429 m).
Below we station ourselves at the place I was born, at the time I was born and draw the directions of Sirius and the three brightest stars of the Gemini constellation Pollux, Castor, and Alhena. Sirius and Alhena were below the horizon, while Pollux, Castor were above the horizon. We notice that Sirius aligns with the third and fourth tallest mountains of the Peloponnese peninsula, Aroania and Erymanthos. Alhena aligns with the sixth tallest mountain in Hellas and thus relates to the Khafre pyramid. Castor aligns pretty well with Parnassus (seventh-tallest in Hellas) and thus corresponds to the Khufu pyramid. Finally, Pollux aligns with the farthest peak of the group of seven that target Thebes (called Xanthi being part of the Panaitoliko mountain range) of Aetolia.
Below we station ourselves at the place I was born, at the time I was born and draw the directions of the seven brightest stars of the Orion constellation. Saiph aligns with the moderately tall mountain whose peak is called Phrophetes Elias (near Naupaktos). Bellatrix having the largest azimuth, in the picture reaches the Southern part of the Agrapha mountains (peak Kopse). Rigel's direction is almost identical to that of Alnitak and they both cross close to mount Kokkinia(Ore Naupaktias). This thus relates these stars to the Menkaure pyramid which is the Giza equivalent of Kokkinia. Alnilam, just like Pollux before aligns with peak Xanthi (altitude 1,662 m). Mintaka matches the direction of the Vardousia mountains and Betelgeuse aligns pretty well with mount Parnassus.  
Below I depict the slope of the South King's Chamber Khufu Pyramid air shaft targeting the star Alnilam at upper culmination (see Bauval's Orion Correlation theory). The slope of the North King's Chamber air shaft targets the Sun at upper culmination the nominal day of my conception at home. The slope of the South Queen's Chamber air shaft targets the Sun at my documented time and place of birth. The slope of the North Queen's Chamber air shaft targets the Sun at my documented time of birth as observed from mount Parnassus. According to my theory, mount Parnassus corresponds to the Khufu pyramid in the 3 Hellenic mountain to 3 Giza pyramid mapping.
The documented time of birth for practical reasons was necessarily a rounded value. Below we use time calibration within the expected rounding values to depict the Sun altitude difference between Giza and the place I was born. Therefore the slope of the Southern King's Chamber air shaft is equated to the altitude of the Sun on the day I was born as observed from Giza. At this instance, the star Delta Ursae Minoris, a white-hued star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor, forming the second star in the bear's tail, has an altitude that coincides with the slope of the Northern King's Chamber air shaft. We then note that at this same moment, the slope of the Northern Queen's Chamber air shaft matches the altitude of the Sun as observed from my birthplace.
At astronomical midnight after my birth, the pole star Polaris was at its upper culmination. This coincidence occurs on a specific date of the year. Below I depict the notion of the ideal place in Boeotia on the day I was born, where the Southern Queen's Chamber shaft slope aligns with the Sun at astronomical Noon(Sun at upper culmination), and the star Polaris aligns with the Northern Queen's Chamber shaft slope at astronomical Midnight(Sun at lower culmination).
The Sphinx belongs to the Khafre enclosure at Giza. We notice that the Sphinx faces due East. On the other hand, the small Khafre cult pyramid is positioned due South. Since the Khafre pyramid is the central pyramid of the main 3 and since according to the Orion Correlation Theory it represents the central Belt Star Alnilam we would not be surprised if this configuration relates to Regulus, the brightest star of the Leo constellation being at some point of the day or night due east and at the same time Orion being due South. Below we see how this is the case on the day I was born. At the time of this incident, it is early morning so it dark enough to observe the stars in question. 
Using Stellarium software, if we station ourselves at Giza on the day I was born we would notice that Arcturus rises helically if we omit the effect of the atmosphere (refraction). If we take into account the effect of the atmosphere, Arcturus rises helically the previous day. But if we don't consider the horizon flat and we station ourselves at the base of Khafre's pyramid, then taking into account the low hill in the direction Arcturus rises (see Cairo citadel) we will see that with atmospheric refraction Arcturus rises helically on the day I was born. Below we see that the isopsephy value of Christmas as ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ is equal to that of Bootes star as 'ΑΣΤΗΡ ΒΟΩΤΗ'.
ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ = (600+100+10+200+300+70+400+3+5+50+50+1) = ΑΣΤΗΡ ΒΟΩΤΗ = (1+200+300+8+100)+(2+70+800+300+8) = 1789
Below we have defined the time of day, on the day I was born that Arcturus actually rises as seen from the apex of Khafre pyramid at Giza. We have equated this correlation with the instance that it is geometrically on the horizon(zero altitude). As we can see the star targets the Khufu satellite pyramid G1c. The Sun's direction is that of the Great Sphinx and right next to it is Mercury, both crossing the Sphinx Temple. On the other hand planets, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter, as also the star Spica cross over the Khafre Valley Temple.
The shape of a constellation like that of Orion does not change from day to day. This means that it is not helpful in encoding a specific date. The position of the planets in regards to each other is a better tool to do this. If we concentrate on the relative distance between the outer Giza pyramids in regards to the central one, then we would note that on the time I was born, the relative position of three planets agrees with the Giza pyramid ground plan with an accuracy 22 times larger than the Orion belt star mapping. The arrangement is shown below:
According to Wikipedia, the decans are 36 groups of stars used in the Ancient Egyptian astronomy. If we divide the circle into 36 equal parts, then each one corresponds to an angle of 10 degrees. If we consider, on the day I was born, the right time so that the angle difference between the Sun's azimuth as observed at my birth place and the meridian, is equal to the angle difference between the Sun's azimuth as observed at Giza and the meridian, then we will see that this angle is exactly equal to 5°. This means that at this instance of time the azimuth difference of the Sun as observed from my birth place at Athens and that as observed from Giza is exactly 10°.
Below we station ourselves at Bethlehem (Church of the Nativity) at the time I was born (based on my birth certificate). As depicted below the azimuth between Khafre's Pyramid and Khufu's pyramid as computed by Glen Dash represents the apparent altitude of the Sun above the horizon in the Southern part of the sky, and it also represents the geometric altitude of Alnitak below the horizon in the Northern part of the sky.

Below we see a horizontal plan of the Khufu pyramid Queen Chamber. The observation point is the center of the base. If we draw the direction to the center axis of the niche at a half depth we will note that it forms an angle of 10.66° South of East. On the other hand, if we draw the direction to the South end of the niche at a half depth we will note that it forms an angle of 22.71° South of East. If we add one right angle to both of these directions toward the South we end up with an azimuth of 190.66° for the first case and 202.71° for the second case. If we consider as the astronomic observation point my home at Thebes, Hellas on the day I was born then the Sun has an azimuth of 190.63° when its corresponding altitude is 38.86°. But the mean slope of the North and South airshafts of the King’s Chamber is 38.8°. But if we consider the observation point to be Giza, Egypt on this same day, then the Sun has an azimuth of 202.78° when its corresponding altitude is 45°. But the slope of the Southern airshaft of the King’s Chamber is 45°.


Below once again we see a horizontal plan of the Khufu pyramid Queen Chamber. The observation point once more is the center of the base. If we target the North end of the roof of the niche we will see that it forms an angle of 6.49° with relation to true East. If we target the South end of the roof of the niche we will see that it forms an angle of 14.88° with relation to true East. This means that the angle difference between these two directions is 8.39°.

Since the mean human pregnancy duration is considered to be 280 days, we consider the observation point to be the place I was born, and the observation date to be 280 days before my birth date. We fine-tune the time of day to coincide with the upper culmination of the Sun(astronomical Noon). The Sun’s azimuth is thus 180°. We now change the date adding 280 days. The time of the day is the same as before. We note that the azimuth of the Sun at this instance is 180° plus 8.38°. We consider the place I was born and an ideal flat horizon. Taking into account light refraction due to the atmosphere we note that on the day I was born the Sun rose at a direction of approximately 14.74° South of East. The azimuth of the Sun was at this instance 104.74°.

In the next diagram, we consider a vertical cross-section of the Queen’s Chamber. The observation point is the intersection point of the center axis of the shafts with the central East-West chamber axis. The height of the point corresponds to the limit between the first(lower) and the second course of the niche. Thus the angle – slope in regards to the East-West projection of the apex of the niche at half depth is 40.301°. The slope to the top of the fourth course is 32.892°. If we use the central niche East-West eccentricity then through the Pythagorean theorem to compute the direct slope to the top of the niche(fifth course) to be 39.831°, and the slope to the top of the fourth course to be 32.458°. On the place and day, I was born the altitude of the Sun at upper culmination(astronomical Noon) was 39.825°. If we change the month of the year back 9 months(minus 274 days) then the altitude of the Sun at the previous time of day is 32.497°.



Below we see a horizontal plan of the Khufu pyramid Queen Chamber. The observation point is the center of the base. If we draw the direction to the center axis of the niche at a half depth on its roof we will note that it forms an angle of 10.746° South of East. On the other hand, if we draw the direction to the center axis of the niche at its face(zero depth) on its roof we will note that it forms an angle of 12.623° South of East. If we add one right angle to both of these directions toward the South we end up with an azimuth of 190.746° for the first case and 192.623° for the second case. If we consider as the astronomic observation point my mother’s parent’s home in Hellas on the previous conventional Midnight before my birth then the only planet in the sky, Saturn has an azimuth of 190.725°. 24 hours earlier the azimuth of Saturn is 188.809°, and 24 hours later it is 192.623°. We thus note how the position of this planet seems to emerge from close to the back of the niche, then to the center of the niche, and finally at the face of the niche emerging into the “main body” of the chamber.



In the below diagram we have a vertical cross-section of the Queen’s Chamber. We measure the slope between the center of the air-shaft position and the upper East corner of the chamber. This angle is equal to 57.3°. From the intersection of the shaft center axis and the chamber East-West axis on the floor of the chamber, we target the roof of the niche at its face(the Eastern wall of the chamber). This angle is 57.48°. Finally from the center of the base, we target the extension of the Eastern wall of the niche and the roof of the chamber. This angle is 57.26°. At the place, I was born at the previous conventional midnight the altitude of the planet Saturn was 57.26°. 24 hours earlier Saturn’s altitude was 57.44°.



If we consider as the astronomic observation point my mother’s parent’s home in Hellas on the previous true (astronomical) Midnight before my birth then Saturn had an altitude of 57.486°. It thus aligns with the angle(slope) from the intersection of the shaft center axis and the chamber East-West axis on the floor of the chamber to the roof of the niche at its face(57.48°). 

Below I have depicted the direction of the planet Saturn on two consecutive exact conventional Midnights as one would observe it from Giza, Egypt. One is before my birth and the other is after my birth. Since chronologically, I was born more or less at the bisection of two Midnights(meaning near Noon) it is interesting that the average azimuth of Saturn is very close to the direction of the Menkaure pyramid apex as observed from the apex of Khafre's pyramid apex.

In the below diagram the observation point is Athens on the day I was born. We fine tune the time of day so that the azimuth of Saturn below the ground is equal to the azimuth between the Khafre pyramid apex and the Khufu pyramid apex. We then note that the direction of the Sun at this instance is equal to the azimuth between the Khafre pyramid apex and the center of the central Menkaure satellite pyramid G3b. The error is approximately 0.35°(It should have been 210°).


In the Google Earth diagram below we see that, measuring counter clockwise(from North to West) the angle formed from the Khufu pyramid apex to the Khafre pyramid apex and finally to the Menkaure pyramid apex is 191.464°. Stationed on the previous Midnight to my birth, at the place I was born one would observe the planet Saturn having this angle as it's azimuth(direction). The error is approximately 0.3°.


Below is an explanation of the Khufu and Khafre pyramid satellite and cult pyramid placement. The position of the Khafre cult pyramid which is due east of the apex of the Khafre pyramid symbolizes the Sun at Noon(it crosses the Meridian and thus has an azimuth of 180°). Therefore stationed at Giza on the year I was born I depict the direction that the ecliptic crosses over the horizon at Noon. The point of origin is the apex of Khafre’s pyramid. The dates shown are: the March equinox, March 25(Annunciation of Virgin Mary Day), April 1, and Easter Sunday. As we can see pyramids G1b, G1c, and G1d are targeted.


In the next Google Earth photo I show the same methodology, with the only difference that this time we are stationed on the apex of the Khufu Pyramid. Therefore once again stationed at Giza on the year I was born I depict the direction that the ecliptic crosses over the horizon at astronomic Noon. I thus draw the directions for the Winter Solstice, for December 7, for the day I was born(in red), and for the September Equinox. The Winter Solstice targets the Eastern direction, and the December 7 date targets the G1a pyramid. On the other hand by birth date as also the September Equinox targets the central satellite pyramid G1b.



The azimuth – direction between the apex or center base of the Khafre pyramid and the apex or center base of Khufu’s pyramid is as measured by Electrical Engineer Glen Dash, 43.3 degrees. This direction points to Heliopolis and it is thus a fair assumption that it may encode astronomic information of the Sun – Helios.

In the following diagrams I use a snapshot of time. The date is that which I was born and the time is that depicted on my birth certificate. What I do is hop around the world and using astronomy software Stellarium, note the apparent azimth of both the Sun and the planet Mercury. On this day Mercury rises before the Sun and the ancient Hellenes would call this planet “Apollo”, the morning star.

I thus use the Khafre pyramid to Khufu pyramid azimuth as an angle as also the complementary angle of 46.7 degrees. I also look into the slope of the two Souther airshafts, one of the Khufu pyramid Queen’s Chamber and the other that of the King’s Chamber of the same pyramid.

We note the correlation of the geogetic isopsephy Jerusalem which is the Meidum pyramid and the New Jerusalem via the Revelation cube or octahedron which is Athens.

We also notice how the mountains associated with the planning of the Giza pyramids, in Hellas(Sterea Hellada region) and in Egypt(Sinai pensisula area) come into the picture. The mythical birth place of Zeus and the birth place of Jesus Christ is also used.   


The Westcar Papyrus, An archeoastronomy approach - Brendan Crawford - February, 2020
Khafre Causeway photo from Tore Kjeilen:

Stellarium 0.19.1

Google Earth Pro


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