Translation and multilateral decoding

Malia altar stone


The Malia altar stone is a stone slab bearing an inscription in Cretan hieroglyphs, excavated in Malia, Crete. The stone has a cuplike cavity and is thought to be a Minoan altar stone. The inscription consists of 16 glyphs in total, three discreete symbols of which show up two times each. This means that the total number of discrete symbols is 13. This artifact is the only known instance of Cretan hieroglyphs on stone.

The Malia altar stone symbols bear a striking resemblance to the Arkalochori Axe hieroglyphs. We therefore are convinced that this is actually the same script inscribed also on the Phaistos disk. Using thus the Phaistos disk phonetic values we can read the altar stone text, visualized here from right to left below, which corresponds to the actual artifact direction of up to down:

The fact that we have four artifacts (Phaistos disk, Seal fragment HM 992, Arkalochori axe, and Malia altar stone) that bear hieroglyphic writing of the same system that lead to intelligible text when read using our phonetic decoding, steers us to the solid conclusion that this is the true and only decipherment of the Phaistos disk hieroglyphic script.    

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