Translation and multilateral decoding

TranslatION - side B'

Phaistos disk side B' phonetic Linear B type latin phonetic transliteration(center outwards):


pa-i-to  de-ko  si-di te wi-wi pe-e  pa-i-to

/ te-ta-na   de-ko  pe-e  pe ki-mo  ta-jo ti-ma  wi-tu  ne-me  wi  pe-e

/ ko-mo pe-e

/ de-u  ti-na-to ka-wi-e

/ ko-mo pe-e  na-mu  si-di  te wi-wi pe-e

/ ko-mo pe-e

/ de-u  ti-na-to ka-wi-e  ke-re

/ pa-na ne pe-e  a-ra o-de te-ta o pe-e te ko-mo  {te]-ti ma pe-e no-je wi  pe-a  ri-wi  mu-ra-pi pe-e ro-so so

/ a-ri-so pe-ra wa

/ ti de-ko pe-e


The ancient Hellenic transliteration is as follows:


Φαιστός, δέχω, Σίδι τέ βίβη σφείς, Φαιστός.

/ Τέ τάνα, δέχω σφείς, σφέ ὁμού, ταγό τίμα, Fίτυν νέμειν Fίς σφείς.

/ Ὁμού σφείς.

/ Ζεύς, τινάττων γαFίην.

/ Ὁμού σφείς, Ναμμού, Ἳδη τέ βίβη σφείς.

/ Ὁμού σφείς.

/ Ζεύς, τινάττων γαFίην, Ἕλλην.

/ Πάρνα νή σφείς, ἀρά ᾠδή, τέττα ὃς σφείς, τέ ὁμού, τηθίς μᾶ {τιμάν} σφείς, νόες Fίς, σφέας ρυFείς, μύρραφι σφείς, λούσων σοί.

/ Ἂλισος, πέρα Fά.

/ Τύ δέχω σφείς.


In modern Hellenic the text is as follows:


Φαιστός, δέχομαι, Σίδη σε βαδίζουν αυτοί, Φαιστός.

/ Εσένα αγαπητέ μου, δέχονται αυτοί, αυτά μαζί, τον ταγό τίμα, περιφέρεια μοιράζειν ισχυροί αυτοί.

/ Μαζί αυτοί .

/ Δία, τινάσσοντας γη.

/ Μαζί αυτοί, Ναμμού, Ίδη σε βαδίζουν αυτοί.

/ Μαζί αυτοί.

/ Δία, τινάσσοντας γη,  Ἕλλην.

/ Μα τον οίκο αυτοί, ευχή τραγούδι, πατέρας αυτός που αυτοί, εσένα μαζί, θεία και μητέρα {τιμούν} αυτοί, νόες ισχυροί, αυτούς να ρυείς, με μύρα αυτοί, λούζοντας σε.

/ Άλισος, πέρα πόλη.

/ Εσένα δέχονται αυτοί.


The English translation is as follows:


Phaistos, (I) accept, Side they walk you, Phaistos.

/ You my dear, they accept, that together, honor the ruler, precinct distributing they are mighty.

/ Together they.

/ Zeus shaking earth.

/ Together they, Nammu, Ida they walk you.

/ Zeus shaking earth, Hellen!

/ By house they, (a) wish song, father he who they, you together, aunt and mother {honor} they, strong minds, you (should) flow them, with myrrh they, washing you.

/ Alisos, city (of) beyond .

/ They accept you.



  1. The ancient text reads 'Sidi', the nominative of which could be Sidis. It's possible that this represents the city of Sidon in Phoenicia. Or it could be one of the  Hellenic cities or towns with the later name 'Side'.

  2. Once again based on Tsikritsis kimo, after removing the rough breathing sound is imo or imou, while phonetically this ki often represents phonetically the rough breathing sounf in front of the vowel o. In other words kimo is actually omo/homo or in this case homou(Ὁμού).

  3. In the Phaistos disk, when the second syllable is evident from what the first hieroglyph depicts it is sometimes omitted. The name for city (Fάστυ) is one such case.

  4. By house, like “by Jove”. Parna or -parn is Hittite for 'house', 'premises', or 'home'. Taking an owth to your home instead of to a god.

  5. In Greek religion and mythology, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.

  6. In Sumerian mythology, Nammu was a primeval goddess, corresponding to Tiamat in Babylonian mythology. Nammu was the Goddess sea that gave birth to heaven and earth and the first gods, representing the Apsu, the fresh water ocean that the Sumerians believed lay beneath the earth, the source of life-giving water and fertility in a country with almost no rainfall.




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